Inkrement app
Feedback is critical to our growth and success.
Inkrement is the simplest and fastest way to receive and provide peer-to-peer feedback. You can find it under your Apps section in Slack or if this is your first time interacting with it, type
/inkrement in any channel, press enter, and then click
Show me my dashboard to go to your Inkrement app.
App navigation
Home Tab
Start at the home tab to learn why feedback is important and see an example of effective feedback. You can also view how much feedback you have given vs. received, and access shortcuts to common Inkrement actions such as giving, requesting, or downloading feedback.
Messages Tab
All feedback that you have received from your peers will appear here in addition to feedback requests.
About Tab
The about tab shows general information about Inkrement.
Requesting Feedback
The easiest way to start a flow of feedback is by requesting feedback from your team. Click request feedback in the dashboard, or in any slack channel type /request-feedback and a new screen will open up within slack. Enter the subject on which you want feedback and the people or channel from which you are requesting feedback. And you are done!
Your teammates and selected channel will see a notification that you are requesting feedback and will be able to seamlessly give feedback to you.
Note on private channels
If you have a private channel, invite Inkrement to the private channel first. Simply type @inkrement and press Enter to invite them into the channel.
Giving feedback
Solicited feedback
If your peers have requested feedback in a channel or directly from you, then simply click on the Give Feedback button in the person’s request and you will be able to provide them feedback.
Unsolicited feedback
To give timely feedback and recognize someone or give them guidance on improving, simply click Give feedback in the dashboard or type /give-feedback in any slack channel.
Whether it's solicited or unsolicited, the same details are required: Whom you are giving feedback to, Whether it’s praise or opportunity for improvement, Your message which should indicate the situation, the behavior you observed, and its impact.
The recipient of your feedback will see a message in their Inkrement app, messages tab, showing the feedback they have received and who has sent it.
Anonymous Feedback
You can also give feedback anonymously by selecting the ‘Deliver anonymously’ option. This will allow your feedback to be sent but the recipient will not know who sent it.
We recommend teams to always communicate transparently and give feedback with their name attached so that people can follow up but if the feedback is sensitive and you feel uncomfortable with how it will be received, then use the anonymous option.
To turn off the anonymous feedback option:
1. Go to the Inkrement App Home Tab in Slack
2. Click on View Settings
3. Disable Anonymous feedback
Download Feedback
Whether it's preparing for your formal performance review or reflecting on your areas of growth, Inkrement’s download option allows you to download all of your feedback and reflect on the praise and opportunities of development that have been shared with you. Recognize your areas of strength and opportunities for development to create your own personal growth roadmap.
To download feedback, go to your dashboard and click on Download feedback under Shortcuts.
Clicking on submit will send you an excel file in the messages tab which you can download and view.
Web Dashboard
You can also easily view all the feedback you have given and received through our web dashboard at
Copy/paste this url into your browser:
or, access the web dashboard directly from your app's Home tab in Slack by clicking the show feedback on web button